An Elegy for VanHook

note: The impetus for starting this blog was actually a desire to get tougher topics more open into the public discussion. This poem is one of those that deals with the nastier topic that is suicide. It’s a more common reality than I think a lot of people realize, so lets talk about it. K. Soap box done.

I want to see his smile,
Even though I know he falsely etched it on.
He stood before a mental mirror and painted,
A palate full of pretense, colors of denial,
He showed me his unwashed face, a true taste.
But true. Who was deceived?
Was this a sland’ring of creation with a false esteem?
When despression enlisted his twisted minion
Despair, a smiling and happy reflection,
With isolation he waged a war,
Wore away that smile, banged spiteful battle drums.
I lost track of ally and enemy amidst the battle confusion,
But finally he let loose a flood to drown his face
And laughed as the siege succeeded.
A short story that deals with a similar topic: Golden Exteriors


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